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This is THE LIST of postpartum recovery tips that will have you healing quickly and thriving postpartum. Without any postpartum recovery tips, you can find yourself in a position as I did… shocked. I thought things would go back to normal on their own. Well, some things do, and some things need a little help. So, take some time to read these smart postpartum recovery tips to have you feeling better and healing faster postpartum. I know they’ve helped me through three postpartum recovery times, where I’ve gotten the hang of how to help myself recover quickly.

Nourish With Healing Foods:

So many blogs skip this on the list, not thinking about how your body uses food and nutrients to repair itself. This program goes into detail on healing foods for recovery postpartum, and it is so important. The only way to heal your body quickly is to give it the tools it needs. Well, that comes in the form of vitamins and nutrients. Clean protein (this protein powder is amazing for postpartum mamas!), antioxidants and vitamins will help the cells repair and muscles heal.

Breastfeed A Lot:

I am unsure why this isn’t mentioned more in postpartum recovery tips lists. Seriously, breastfeeding helps your body heal and feel better! If you are fortunate enough to breastfeed your body, breastfeeding will contract your uterus back to normal size faster and promote the production of the “feel-good” chemicals in your brain. This allows you to relax and rest, which your body needs. This little gem of a resource will tell you more about general breastfeeding and how amazing it is!

Make An Awesome Vag Pad:

I have a tutorial/post on how to do this and what you need. It involves a lot of pads, some anti-bacterial/numbing spray and witch hazel pads. You also want a squirt bottle for cleaning after you go to the bathroom, and it all makes everything feel so much better.

The postpartum pad is probably the most popular postpartum recovery tip you will read. It is because it is truly super helpful!

Slowly Work on Your Core + Pelvic Floor:

Get your Doctor’s permission, and begin working on your core and pelvic floor through a program for healing or with some Pilates guidance. It is super important to have some guidance on this to ensure you are engaging your pelvic floor properly. I am finishing my Pre/Post Natal Exercise Specialist certification now, and I can tell you that it is important to engage your breath rhythmically with your pelvic floor. I will show you how to do this in my program. This is one of the BEST postpartum recovery tips I can give you! 

Use Stool Softeners:

After birth, going number 2 can be scary, painful and difficult. The hospital often sends you home with stool softeners, and please use them. It will make things much smoother and less traumatic in that department. I took the recommended dose and ate a lot of fiber and water, and I was surprised not to have as much pain as I thought. Make sure to eat healthily. Lots of fruits and vegetables, and you can avoid some of the pain!

Belly Band/Wrap:

This will help your core so much!! But differently then you might think. Wrapping your belly doesn’t push things further, so your abs return to the flat. But it corrects your posture and reminds you to connect your mind to your abs again. I can’t tell you the difference my wrap makes in my posture and how I walk. I go over it in my program in depth, but pregnancy dramatically changes our posture with the extra weight and movement of our skeleton, and now we need some support to bring it back. These belly bands are for you to stand up tall and pull your abs in from the inside, which is how you will get them to go flat again!

Wear the Hospital Underwear:

These are amazing and bring a few packs home from the hospital. Rock that underwear daily because if there are leaks or messes, throw them away. Save your clothes for a time when things are less volatile in terms of bodily fluid. I remember thinking how crazy all the bodily fluids were from myself and the baby after birth. Boobs leaking, bleeding, diaper explosions, spit up, and sprays were constantly happening, and there was no way out. At least save your underwear.

Walk Around + Baby Wear:

Walking is amazing for helping your body heal after birth. By getting up and moving around, you can encourage blood flow to the areas that need to heal, keep your strength up and improve your mood if you wear your baby; even better, keeping the baby close to your skin will continue to keep the pheromones working properly. This will keep your milk supply healthy, and the baby will be so happy listening to your heart. You will also have two hands to brush your hair, eat something, or do anything normal. I highly recommend this carrier. It is my favourite of all the ones I have tried.

Start Working Out As Soon As Cleared:

As soon as you are cleared by your doctor, starting a fitness plan is so important! It will boost your mood, give you more energy, and keep you strong! Being active is much more than just losing weight. We sit entirely too much, and our bodies crave moving. I also recommend walking for 40 minutes at least 4-5 days a week! It is important to be active and give your body the movement and challenges it needs!

These are the smart postpartum recovery tips I can pass on to you, now that I’ve recovered from three births.

I am so passionate about it that I’ve been working on my Pre/Post Natal Exercise Specialist Certification and developed a program to help mamas heal and recover after a baby. The goal is to guide you on nutrition, exercises and weight loss while offering a meal plan and diet guidelines that promote a healthy milk supply and weight loss! It has gone over well, and many mamas are commenting on how they’ve dropped weight without losing any milk AT ALL!! I have a new Ab Rehab and Pelvic Floor Restore program inside, which prescribes your moves, posture control, baby holding and Pilates routine for 3 weeks to get your abs back on track. It has helped me tremendously in my postpartum recovery.

If you haven’t yet, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book!

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