You can find our step-by-step pregnancy health program here! This will walk you through important things to do throughout each trimester. Your third trimester is crucial to ensure breastfeeding success!

Keeping both you and your baby healthy while breastfeeding requires a proper meal plan and some guidance. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book.

Let’s boil down all of the pregnancy tips to 5 of the most important to do in your third trimester for potential breastfeeding moms.

There are plenty of ways you can successfully prepare for breastfeeding while you are still pregnant. If you properly prepare and get ready, then you will be setting yourself and your baby up for success! Liquid gold is so important, so making sure you have your body and mind ready is a big deal.  If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out our programs!

I am now pregnant with my fourth baby, and I can’t believe I will be breastfeeding all over again. These are the exact steps I will be taking as I get closer to my due date (October), and I can’t tell you how important your nutrition is during pregnancy.

If you aren’t new to my blog, you know I created Milk Dust specifically for breastfeeding mamas to lose weight, and I now have Bump Dust, specifically for pregnant mamas to nourish their bodies, keep weight gain controlled and manage cravings. I hope you try it with me! Here’s a simple and effective smoothie I make.

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The boys and I are making one of my favorite smoothies with my new, Bump Dust by @milkdustprotein. They love the shakes as well, and have fun helping me make them. at #18weekspregnant, I’m now feeling so good, working out and eating much healthier, which is good for baby! #prenataldiet #secondtrimester #pregnancynutrition #fitbump #healthypregnancy #preggers #fourthpregnancy . . . #postpartumfitness #postpartumweightloss #postpartumworkout #postpartumhealing #postpartumlife #postnatalfitness #postnatalhealing #postpartimdiet #4thtrimester #4thtrimesterbodies #bodyafterbaby #losingthebabyweight #losethebabyweight #pregnancydiet #pregnancyworkout #prenatalfitness

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Lots of other mamas suggest breastfeeding baskets, pillows, and tanks to purchase in your third trimester, which does help, but where you really want to put your focus is on your health and knowledge. Ensuring you have the proper nutrition before the baby arrives and as soon as the baby comes will set you up for success. Also educating yourself on all things breastfeeding is going to ensure you have all the necessary information to keep your supply up and KNOW you are doing well. Knowledge is power, even with breastfeeding. Here are 5 things you can do in your third trimester that will ensure you have breastfeeding success with your new little one.


Read everything you can on breastfeeding in general. Whether you take a course or grab some books, by understanding exactly how the body works, what breast milk is, proper latching, and more, you will have a much better foundation for breastfeeding.

Second, Nutrition!

You can really start adding in some foods that will encourage breast milk production in your last trimester. That way, you will be accustomed to eating these foods, and your body will be full of the nutrients necessary to produce breast milk. Some of these foods include oatmeal, sweet potatoes, spinach, apples, and chickpeas. All of these have the phytonutrients, iron, and vitamins to create the breast milk you need right away. In our postpartum program, I talk more about the importance of nutrition and eating nutrient-dense foods to ensure your body has what it needs to heal and make breast milk. This is so important, I suggest focusing on it in your last trimester to start setting yourself up for a great and healthy supply.

Third, Protein Shakes!

I love these as a way to get extra nutrition in. and as I mentioned I have Bump Dust to support you through pregnancy, and Milk Dust to help you increase your lactation right away once the baby arrives. For me, I will be drinking Bump Dust through pregnancy, but towards the end, maybe in the last few weeks, I am going to switch to Milk Dust. I want the extra herbs to help my milk come in ASAP. a breastfeeding protein powder that has been super successful in helping new mommies increase their milk supply and lose weight.

It also has red raspberry leaves in it, which can strengthen your uterus before labor! Before I had Milk Dust, I drank Mother’s Milk Tea andRed Raspberry Leaf Tea in the last few weeks of pregnancy to help my milk come in immediately.  I highly recommend you read the reviews on the site and Amazon, so you can decide if it’s a great option for you. I also go over the differences between Boobie Body and Milk Dust here on the blog.

These shakes are a large part of my program for postpartum healing and nutrition, which is SO IMPORTANT!! If you want to have a fabulous recovery, where you can work on your core, eat super healthy for breastfeeding, and lose the baby weight then this program is great for you.

The protein shakes offer the extra protein your body will need to heal and repair after birth, as well as make milk. If protein shakes aren’t your thing, add extra protein into your diet leading up to birth. Protein is the building block for new cells and repairing, so it is great to have extra!

Fourth, Brewer’s Yeast!

This stuff was in all the lactation recipes I created before I had Milk Dust. Milk Dust is a much tastier option, but Brewer’s Yeast can be a very strong product. It really does help boost your supply, and it is super important to have it on hand if you need to make some overnight lactation oats or cookies. Most of the recipes call for 1 tsp or so of brewer’s yeast, so having it ready to go is a good idea.

Fifth, Start Breast Massage or Pumping:

This is only to be done if you know you are safe to go into labor because it can also stimulate labor! By stimulating your breasts, you can help get the blood flowing and encourage your milk supply before the baby actually gets to them. You can do this with a massager, or actually start pumping. I used a massage tool, which was easy while watching tv, cleaning, and doing all the things I normally do.

These are 5 things that will set you up for success in your breastfeeding journey once the baby arrives.

It is so important your body has the right nutrients before and after the baby arrives to produce the necessary supply of milk. I’ve been there three times now, and these were 5 things I focused on in the last few weeks of pregnancy to make sure I was ready for breastfeeding.

This program will help you see your abs again after the baby. If you are struggling to finally lose the mommy pooch, and your diastasis recti are healing, this program targets loose skin and belly fat after pregnancy. Join the waitlist to get 50% off when the program launches!

You can find our step-by-step pregnancy health program here! This will walk you through important things to do throughout each trimester. Your third trimester is crucial to ensure breastfeeding success!


  1. What do you mean by bringing in the milk immediately? Did you still have colostrum the first few days?

  2. Your information was cohesive with other material I’ve read. I love hearing from other mommies!

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