


Keeping both you and your baby healthy while breastfeeding requires a proper meal plan and some guidance. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book. Weight loss right after birth is a big topic here, so I wanted to give an update on my weight loss after baby #4. I hadn’t weighed myself on the day of birth, but I know I was just over 156 lbs. At my last appointment I weighed in just over 156 lbs, and I hadn’t been gaining much weight at the end, so I am guessing I was about there or a bit more at the time of delivery. Knowing my body, even though I haven’t weighed myself yet, I have lost about 12 lbs, which is a lot of the extra baby weight I gained. I am almost…

Keeping both you and your baby healthy while breastfeeding requires a proper meal plan and some guidance. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book. I am just over a week postpartum now, with my fourth baby, and I’ve been mentally keeping track of all my breastfeeding tips and tricks this week, which have really helped me with my milk supply and adjusting to breastfeeding again. Your first week with a newborn is a lot of either remembering how to breastfeed, or learning to breastfeed. In order to make breastfeeding as successful as possible, here is what I suggest: Take advantage of a lactation consultant or help: The hospital always offers a lactation consultant, and I highly recommend taking any helpful tips they have! I remember with my second baby, we were working on latching…

Keeping both you and your baby healthy while breastfeeding requires a proper meal plan and some guidance. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book. Pumpkin spice is one of the best things about fall and winter. I personally love the new Starbucks pumpkin cold brew drink because it is still warm here in Florida. I also have a baby coming in October, so I will be all over the pumpkin spice lactation recipes! Realistically, you can make any recipe lactation recipe by adding lactation-boosting ingredients. I just add a scoop of Milk Dust to various recipes. Milk Dust bakes well, and adds sweetness, so you can use less sugar or sweetener, and it adds protein! Win-win. Here are some more ingredients you can easily add to recipes, to make them lactation recipes: 1 scoop…

Keeping both you and your baby healthy while breastfeeding requires a proper meal plan and some guidance. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book. I’m super excited to put this costume round-up together because I will have a newborn baby this Halloween! The concept that I will be trick-or-treating with a tiny one isn’t new to me. My middle one was just over 4 weeks old on Halloween, and my third was 10 days old. I’m lucky, my fourth baby will be just over 2 weeks old. I’m already getting excited about costume ideas for myself and the new little one, so I wanted to put together what I think are some of the BEST ideas on Pinterest. Princess Peach and Toad (this is a big winner with my boys because they can be…

Keeping both you and your baby healthy while breastfeeding requires a proper meal plan and some guidance. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book. Who doesn’t love a warm muffin in the fall and winter?! I put together some amazing, yummy lactation recipes that are all on the healthier side. These muffins will nourish your body and milk supply. Most of the recipes are filled with superfoods like spinach, pumpkin, oatmeal, cocoa powder, blueberries, pecans and apples! My favourite is the Milk Dust spinach ones because they are LOW IN CARBS AND SUGAR, full of protein, and work the best for increasing milk supply. If you love a sweet, quick snack, you will also love the new Milk Dust Bars, which literally taste like dessert, without any of the sugar! And, they have all…

Lactation soups for breastfeeding moms are a great way to keep both you and your baby healthy. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely through postpartum, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book. I put together a list of 10 amazing lactation soups that offer lots of nutrients. The key to eating foods to boost your milk supply is to choose foods that offer a lot of nutrients for your body. This is also the main concept of my program, and my 10-day reset plan. By ensuring your body has all the nutrients it needs, it can function optimally, and produce lots of milk! Make sure to grab my free, 10-day breastfeeding diet plan, and make some of these healthy soup recipes to keep that supply up! You will also want to read: Crock Pot Breastfeeding Recipes For Healthy Milk Supply +…

Keeping both you and your baby healthy while breastfeeding requires a proper meal plan and some guidance. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book. New mommies need lots of gear for breastfeeding, healing, surviving, keeping the baby happy and more. New mommies also don’t need any excess gear and trinkets that aren’t totally useful. This is where picking the right gifts is super important. You want to give them something that will make their lives easier. Simple as that. This gift list is full of gifts that will actually be USEFUL to mama while breastfeeding and caring for a new baby, while also making their lives much easier. A new mommy gift doesn’t get much better than that! Let’s get into the top 11 gifts for new and breastfeeding mommies: Soothe Shirt: These are…

Keeping both you and your baby healthy while breastfeeding requires a proper meal plan and some guidance. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book. These pumpkin protein lactation bars will seriously curb your cravings for all things pumpkin, as well as boost your milk supply! There is a secret weapon in these bars, which I will go over that includes a lactation blend of ingredients that are all known to increase lactation. These bars are also healthy, low carb, and delicious, so if you are trying to lose the baby weight, and struggling with sugar cravings, these will help! In my program, I teach mamas how to eat while breastfeeding to lose weight, and sugar cravings are one of the hardest challenges to eating healthy while breastfeeding. Basically, sugar cravings happen when we crave…

Keeping both you and your baby healthy while breastfeeding requires a proper meal plan and some guidance. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book. Safe tips to lose weight while breastfeeding without affecting milk supply – that worked for me! Losing weight while breastfeeding doesn’t have to come with the price of affecting your milk supply, at all! I know because I’ve lost the baby weight 4 times now, and never had my milk supply suffer. In fact, I’ve had an over-abundance of breast milk all while losing the baby weight quickly. Let’s be completely honest here, I am not just naturally skinny and drop weight eating cheeseburgers. I work out and eat very healthily and changed my eating habits long ago when I developed IBS in college, from a super unhealthy eating lifestyle.…

Keeping both you and your baby healthy while breastfeeding requires a proper meal plan and some guidance. If you would like a step-by-step program to help you lose weight safely, check out all our courses, programs, challenges, & recipe book. Many mamas are wondering how to lose weight while breastfeeding because they are worried about losing their milk supply. The stress of trying to diet, not sleeping and caring for newborns forces many new mommies to put their weight loss goals off – until some better time, which often doesn’t come. As a health and fitness professional and nutrition coach, I am passionate about helping breastfeeding mamas lose weight. Weight loss while breastfeeding is entirely possible, and I did it three times. I am actually now pregnant with my fourth baby, so I will be using all these tips ALL OVER AGAIN this fall!  I breastfed three babies and lost…

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